Given how friendly and helpful all the locals have been to us Londoners, we were happy to help when the tour boat that has been kindly letting us use their pontoon in Burrafirth got a rope tangled around one of…
Given how friendly and helpful all the locals have been to us Londoners, we were happy to help when the tour boat that has been kindly letting us use their pontoon in Burrafirth got a rope tangled around one of…
This afternoon, Ben persuaded everyone that it would be a good idea to drive ten miles to Out Stack because the promised northerly force 5 had failed to appear. Needless to say, by the time we arrived, that northerly breeze…
So, what’s going on here? Well, this is our BSAC expedition grant mentor, the First Class JD dealing with Naomi and Mike. They were silly enough to ask what a triple expansion engine was. They probably were expecting a one-line…
We like nudis. And they like the Shetlands. Here’s today’s haul: Well, the last one isn’t really a nudi. It looks like an atlantic cowrie to us, but hey…
The end result of letting Rory be dive marshall is the seemingly never ending succession of 6am alarm calls. Today was no exception. The boat pulled away in a cloud of midges at some ungodly hour, to dive the morning…