3.5 months after the trainees started ocean diver, I could no longer hold them back anymore – they were eager to go to open water.
I tried to persuade them that it was much warmer in Spain or Gozo, but they wanted to go to Gildenburgh. So 4 ocean diver trainees, 4 sports diver trainess, a drysuit trainee and 2.5 instructors spent the weekend in Gildy.
It was freezing – literally – with hailstone showers both days. However, we still had fun and most were smiling at the end of the weekend. Especially when 2 sports divers ended up at Wraysbury before reading the email instructions and realising they were going to be 2.5 hours late!
Congratulations to Jim and Gab for completing the ocean divers open water dives. Thanks to all who laughed in the face of adversity. Roll on summer and slightly warmer water!