Penzance Day 3

Flat calm seas. Hooray. Straight to the Runnel Stone, 10 miles along the coast from Penzance. What a top dive. Despite the viz being a bit lower than we have seen the rock was dripping with life. The plumose and

Posted in Dive Trips

Penzance Day 2

Phew! We launch. Wind has dropped a bit. It is still blowing a 4 from the north east and while not the best weather ever – the near sites are doable. The first dive of the day is on The

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Penzance Day 1, Cornwall 2013

Surfing and coastal walks. Here we are on the first day of our Penzance week – the wind is howling and the surf is up. Mounts Bay is a sea of white waves and foam and launching the boat is

Posted in Dive Trips

My first diving trip

I completed my first diving trip this weekend in Plymouth. I want to thank everyone in Clidive for their support, training and companionship. It was an unforgettable experience which has hooked me into diving. All the training in the pool prior to

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First May Bank Holiday in Plymouth

Had a fab time in Plymouth diving the outer reefs and some great wrecks. The sun shone most of the time and with often glassy flat seas we were in for some good journeys on Clidive Yellow. Day 1 – the Outer

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