Muckle Flugga from Hermaness

Beautiful sunny calm day, but with no working compressor, no diving for us. But thanks to generous help from Hazel, skipper of the MV Valkyrie, and a long round trip drive to Lerwick, we are back diving now.

Posted in Dive Trips

Unst, day 3

It was all going so well. However, the compressor we were hiring developed a fault and today became an enforced rest day. This was frustrating given another day of great diving weather, but we were presented with an opportunity to

Posted in Dive Trips

Unst, day 2

The favourable tide times meant that we had a bit of a lay in and a leisurely start to day 2, which was also accompanied by sunshine. Casting off just before 11am, we made for the Muckle Flugga archipelago once

Posted in Dive Trips

Week 2, day 2

The favourable tide times meant that we had a bit of a lay in and a leisurely start to day 2, which was also accompanied by sunshine. Casting off just before 11am, we made for Muckle Flugga once again

Posted in Dive Trips

Week 2 begins

It’s a hell of a long way to Unst. Central London to Gatwick; Gatwick to Aberdeen; Aberdeen to Lerwick; Lerwick to Unst, via Yell and two ferries. We can report that the Shetlands were wreathed in the same mist and

Posted in Dive Trips