Shore Leave on Unst

Two years on and Bobby’s bus shelter has been transformed from a heaven of pink fluff to a pirate’s den.

Posted in Dive Trips

Clidive returns to Unst

On a humid Thursday in August 2 vans, a boat and four Clidivers set off from London on the long drive to Saxa Vord on Unst.

Posted in Dive Trips

Pembrokeshire Vid

Posted in Dive Trips

Sports/Ocean diver training at Wraysbury – in a shorty!

On Saturday 16th July, a few clidivers headed off to Wraysbury to get trained. I am pleased to say that Tricia completed sports diver :-) Alberto began sports diver. He is featured here – the water was 20 degrees and

Posted in Dive Trips

Wraysbury is the hot destination!

3 new Clidivers took one giant stride into the water today for their first ever open water dive, in glorious conditions at Wraysbury – 18 degrees in the water! We even found some fish including a big one… Congratulations to

Posted in Dive Trips