Homeward bound from Gozo

Final day and Lucy past her dive leader as did Mike – well done to them both – so a very successful training trip with 4 DL’s, 2 SD’s and an OD :-) Despite the windy weather we managed to

Posted in Dive Trips

Day 9 in Gozo – Um El Faroud!

Well, finally Neptune decided to grace us with favourable weather than we deserve for flying all the way to Gozo (has all this rain been punishment cos I said it would be cold and rainy in Plymouth? How wrong I

Posted in Dive Trips

Easter in Plymouth

This Easter was Sarah and my first outing with Clidive and pretty much our first excursion into British waters. We learned to dive in Sharm back in 2000 and have been keen warm water divers ever since. This year we

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Day 7 in Gozo

We now have 2 new sports divers – well done to Serge and Nick. Guhan also has passed his ocean diver. Yesterday was an entertaining day with the plan to do P31 and P29 and the Scot Crag. What actually

Posted in Dive Trips

Day 4 in Gozo

Despite unseasonably windy weather we have been fortunate enough to find leeside diving in flat calm and great vis. We’ve been to Xlendi to do lots of rescue skills training, (and Warwick having a snooze), Xwenji bay for dive leading

Posted in Dive Trips