From our blog | CLIDIVE - Part 56

31 Go To Plymouth

August Bank holiday started early with an extra day of diving for the early gang of 12 Clidivers. We dived the Maine (atmospheric, fishy) and the Eddystone (very fishy, fantastic visibility). The hordes then descended bringing our numbers up to

Posted in Dive Trips

Gales, more rescues and some excellent diving

Not to be deterred by a force 11 gale warning, we headed straight into the eye of the storm to see how far down the Sound of Mull we could get. The answer was, not very far. We had a

Posted in Dive Trips

Oh dear

The Minch – Strong winds are forecast 24 hour forecast: Easterly 3 or 4 increasing 5 to 7, veering southerly then southwesterly severe gale 9 or storm 10, perhaps violent storm 11 later, decreasing 6 to gale 8 in south later.

Posted in News

The storm’s a-brewin’

Today was the last good weather day. The  force 9 batters down the coastline tomorrow, so we headed out to Elizabeth Rock and a good time was had by all. The breeding nudibranchs looked like they were having a good

Posted in Dive Trips

Basking sharks on Coll (and a lot of midges too)

The weather has been pretty kind to us this week. Today we headed out to Coll, and had a lovely dive on the Tapti, a wreck lying in 26 metres. The usual plethora of anemones, including our new favourite burrowing anemones.

Posted in Dive Trips