Tobermory Pizza Express open for business

After a long 12 hour day, Ben’s pizzas went down a storm. And thankfully today wasn’t as bad a storm as expected. A seasearcher’s delight of a dive in the morning on Sligneach Mor was teeming with life, especially squat

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International Rescue (No. 2)

After untangling a rope round a prop in Shetland last year, Ben was at it again this afternoon. Several other Clidivers were kitted up ready to help out, but Ben jumped in first saying “this is one for an ex-diving

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Day two and it’s raining…a lot

The sea was still flat, so we headed out to the Great Wall of Eigg. As this is the Hebrides, we saw the usual seals, basking sharks, porpoises, and some massive bottlenose dolphins, bow riding under the boat, leaping out

Posted in Dive Trips

One diver down…

At least there was more space on the RIB. Only joking. After a lovely dive on the Rondo, we sampled the delights of the Tobermory lifeboat festival. As well as the above demonstration, Ben sneaked off and came second in

Posted in Dive Trips

Oigh Sgeir

We woke up in Mull in Saturday morning, saw that it was as flat as a pancake out there, fuelled up the boat and headed out to Oigh Skeir, an uninhabited island with a lighthouse on it 30 miles north

Posted in Dive Trips