Blog Archives

Madeira mischief – 13-22 October 2017

By Harriet Cross & Emma Rigby Preeda had the fantastic idea of arranging a trip to Madeira, a surprisingly green Portuguese island 400km north of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. It is positioned in the Gulf Stream so

Posted in Dive Trips

A diver’s dream in a lost world…- Porthkerris, Cornwall, 14-17 July 2017

By Susie Hall de Silva & Preeda Harish Kumar Arriving at Porthkerris is one of those truly jaw dropping moments. Crossing the moors and winding through verdant country lanes, a crest of a hill and…the ‘wow’ moment. High on the

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Expedition Summer Isles (Scotland): 5-12 August 2017

By Eleanor Partridge The Summer Isles are a group of small, mostly uninhabited islands located just off the coast of Loch Broom, in the far northwest of Scotland. The area had been on Clidive’s radar for a while but undived

Posted in Dive Trips

Clidive does all Wight: the Solent, 22/23 July 2017

By Steve Walsh In July, Clidive added a new diving area – new for the club, if not for all its members – to its list of sites. The Solent is the stretch of water between the Isle of Wight

Posted in Dive Trips

“Winter is not here”… Dubrovnik Croatia, 24 June – 2 July 2017

By Preeda Harish Kumar & Susie Hall de Silva When Anastasiya first talked about organising a dive trip to Dubrovnik (Croatia), Susie and I were the first to put our names down and wow, what an incredible adventure!  Anastasiya is

Posted in Dive Trips