Clidive has 4 new First Aid for Divers Instructors!

2 weeks ago Mary’s diving room was converted into a boat-situation with an unusually high occurrence of casualties!  Joli taught the First Aid for Divers course to 4 other instructors – thus creating 4 new First Aid for diver instructors within the club :-)FAfD 1

The next course we run will be open to all divers and we hope that this will become a yearly feature along with oxygen admin.

FAfD2It’s a very practical course and whilst dealing with a serious subject this does not preclude laughing and joking.


It’s similar to a traditional first aid course – covering burns, fractures, wounds, heart attack – but with the context of diving and emphasis on using the diving equipment available to help with first aid treatment.


Ben has a head wound!

Ben has a head wound!


Splinting using a BCD

Splinting using a BCD

Well done to Mary, JD, Chris and Ben :-)

How to transport an insured diver from the boat

How to transport an insured diver from the boat

Posted in Dive Trips