Great double bank holiday weekend in Plymouth with some less than perfect weather conditions, but none the less we did get out everyday and do some solid UK diving!

The happy group of CliDivers | Photo courtesy of Martin Rishton |
We managed to dive Barns Pools and the Breakwater fort on Sunday, the SS James Eagan Layne and Hilsea Point on Monday and because we couldn’t get enough the Breakwater fort again on Tuesday morning in pouring rain and moderate winds.
Photo courtesy of Martin Rishton |
One of Plymouth’s smaller subs! | Photo courtesy of Martin Rishton |
Bart wishes he had been on the eat less pies SDC | Photo courtesy of Dan Massie |
Photos courtesy of Dan Massie |
Special thanks to Sharon for being our dedicated boat handler, Dan for impeccable dive management, Laura making sure we all had somewhere to eat at night and Claire for all the brownies and whities that kept us going!
Thanks to Naomi too for sorting out all the money.