

The reign of rain continued but nothing could dampen our spirits as the hardy bunch motored out of Falmouth harbour to be greeted by a pod of dolphins limbering up for thier daily acrobatics. Another great days diving was had by all with the wrecks of the Volnay (Divernet wreck tour 24) and the Mohegan (wreck tour 8). Despite being only 40 miles along the coast, the water was chillier than Penzance and siltier but still 5-10 m vis. We also had a spot of lunch whilst anchoring in Porthkerris (very good set up – cafe, dive shop, air fills, tractor-beach launch, shore diving). Right, off to the pub for a lemonade (cough) before an early night and doing it all again tomorrow (albeit with a very long drive home after). Next year, I think I might copy Lucy and Neil with their fly to Newquay then hire a car option – planes , trains and automobiles…

Posted in Dive Trips